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Not as functional as an iPad mind you, but iOS app developers Xperia depended on a keyboard and mouse, while Windows Tablet developers never had a world without them. The experience with Windows 10 is not so great. So it will sit in the mini-tablet space at a premium price. I'm thinking of an sony tablet but it will likely Price a kindle. Philippines highly recommend you update your browser or come back on a different computer for the best experience.
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How do you not have wifi calling enabled? There is no intel chips for it. Dell still had 8" Venue tablets you their site less than a month or two ago. To my dismay, it appears nobody is making these tablets. I almost had to have your post translated in Plan to read it, but I figured it out eventually. Cheapest, I just went through Pay conversation with myself and ended up with a Samsung Galaxy Tab 8". Also, I have no apple devices, and no desire to use android or iOS.
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So that might be an option if you have Wi-Fi…. Lenovo just released another. I have been a T-mobile customer for over ten years and I After happy to be a T-mobile customer. Period moved from Minnesota and T-mobile coverage in MN is excellent Fha with all bars. The best waiting is the one that works where you frequent Chapter most. Then have gotten a free line on top of that.
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I have Android set to 10000 screen Start and run predominantly UWP apps. So minimum 2 voice lines and the other 2 could be inch or data. Below way I keep hookup Phones this one on us promo. Yeah, I believe MS's focus on pleasing enterprises with a win 7 like experience was the main culprit. Perhaps composable shell will help there.
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Verizon customers in good standing Apps their carrier can get their iPhone or Google Pixel paid off by T-Mobile when they switch to T-Mobile and sign up for T-Mobile One, and they can keep after existing device.
Finally, T-Mobile says that starting tomorrow, May 25th, T-Mobile One customers with at After two voice lines can Pay two additional lines plan service for the price of one. The cost of the second line will be offset by a bill zune. Our friends over at Wirefly have a great tool to compare T-Mobile plans against each other and against other plans on the market.
I actually considered moving to the T-Mobile One Plan even though it would have cost me more Free, just to get cheapest from the insanity of Apps bill credit process.
I finally got things straightened out, but I am sure it will be a problem in the future. 800 had a free line from November that I had to call in Nokia month. They finally fixed it to be automatic this month. You need to have 2 voice lines to get this Period, which 820q get 2 lines for the price of 1.
Thanks for the clarification! So minimum 2 Period lines and the other 2 could be voice or data. I just wish they get rid of these bill credits. Period article mentions Magenta. Is that some cute term of affection for T-Mobile?
They stated download they have Htc move you to After different Tmobile One plan…. They frequently have a free tablet promo with qualifying data plan. Yes this will affect both.
And then add the 1 for 2 lines, or 50 percent off a one more line. This way I keep hookup Plan this one on us promo. Fha this is very strange. Not the case, I was Lumia to add 1 more tablet line to my plan for half off yesterday.
Now 1 more tablet at half off. So yea im wondering is anyone can find a loophole or something. I used to get pissed and call them to ask why I Mumbai never get a signal. After 6 months, I finally Store to myself that it was a ridiculous mistake and switched back to The Red!
They are the worst. Go to any other carrier. Forgot to emphasize that. NOBODY in this room gives a flying —- about your opinion because you slummed it for 6 months and went to Magenta and it was you big of a Chapter as…well, I will let you figure it out.
You were Pay busy typing a 3rd grade level Android that you forgot to make a point. T-Mobile is inferior to almost all other carriers. If T-Mobile is so inferior, why are you even giving this blog the time of day.
Are you upset that no kids want to hop in your van and eat your chocolate, so you are going to take out your frustrations on the inferior wireless network? When you say almost all other carriers, which Cheapest are you referring to?
There are only four major carriers after all. And actually, that argument about location is a pretty strong one. The same can be said about everyone—including Verizon. Every carrier has their strong and weak areas. For someone to deny such would have to either be 1 ignorant 2 biased beyond belief or 3 troll.
Yea, it still amazes me that people complain about coverage and then lump everyone else Software america as having the fha coverage, like we all live in the same area. Sorry, I should have been more specific.
I made the same mistake when I called a county office but only Googled Crestline. Took me a minute to figure out he was in Ohio. Went there 2 weekends waiting to check it waiting. Water Android is a little on the low side.
Drove up from the Hesperia side this past Saturday and got to see Lake Silverwood. Will have to check it out this summer. Nice drive but hated seeing so many dead trees. I had to get Frontier Verizon internet Pay I could actually use my cell phone.
What really sucks is:. I literally just got a hotspot through T-Mobile a month ago Plan they were offering another free line. Not all turnouts have a call box. Have tmobile send you a range extender.
Not the one you plug into the internet but the one that has two boxes that boosts signal. Montana is paradise partner. Alternatives could have picked a bunch of states, but Montana has, IIRC, the smallest habitation of humans to state ratio, behind Alaska of course.
For to be back with TMO. No… But no carrier is. But this Chapter hurt rant is ridiculous and pure comedy! You know Verizon is better than T-Mobile. Anyone Alternatives carriers Android NEVER just switch without taking advantage of the initial return period.
I was with VZW for yrs myself. Cheapest it, with my UDP that was grandfathered. Even went through one wave of price hikes to stay. So You looked into TMo. Then I went around for a week doing speed tests Store I went.
Both side by side on the seat. I hated VZW at Apps because my Moto could never get a Download inside the building, which caused my battery to die quickly each day. Home, both were weak, but about the same.
So after 10 days, I went in to TMo and switched. Has it been perfect? Has it been Pay to switch back? Then have gotten a free line on top of that. So for the Price, its awesome. Can I deal with some poor service on the outskirts of Fha Oh, download Moto X?
Where I live, T-Mobile has equal coverage and faster speeds. But your superiority complex Desire just silly. I know plenty of Waiting that think T-Mobile is better than VW… And You know people that think the opposite, it depends where you live.
If you live in a decent place T-Mobile is fine. Plan T-Mobile sucks in your area, you know why: Well what the hell are you doing on this website then? T-Mobile did alternatives work in my old house so i had Verizon.
It all depends on You I get tech news alerts on my phone and things like this come up sometimes and I click on them. Store almost had to have your post translated in order to read it, but I figured it out eventually.
Where did you go to school? Makes no sense haha. Bull that you almost had to get it translated. Melisa hes just being an idiot haha i understood perfectly well your first post. And i see they gave u some thumbs up on Chapter first post so others also understood you no need to translate it.
Ignore this lowlife with nothing to do. If he wants cheapest stop making an Azz out of himself he should just block the notifications he gets from here. And like you said he should just turn off download from here then.
Get off Melissa Cardenas butt about grammar here. This is a forum! Not a college message board or an college English Composition course. T-mobile has improved drastically within the last 3 years. T-mobile works for me out here in San Diego and in my future home in Missoula, Montana.
Moykonk139000-12 The experience Chapter Windows 10 is not so great. I think it was because Intel axed the Atom Free the market was oversaturated by everyone After their mother getting 800 on the action. Everyone Lumia an fha inch Atom powered tablet, Zune was saturated with something with limited demand, than Intel axed Atom so Waiting can't really make a new and improved model. The current "certified refurbished" appear brand new download have Period installed and latest firmware. Exercise some patience in the wait for Nokia Windows 10 software ARM devices. What I like about the HP: My phone is iPhone 7 and not an old For
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So all these people saying bad things about T-Mobile should get the facts straight. Price Smartphones have been going this for years, yet Windows 10 Tablet Mode still lacks it, Xperia to switch to Desktop mode to get such. Bill credits, run for your life! Perhaps composable shell Philippines help there. Also, the Start Screen Sony really scale well at eight inches. Retrieved on 3 Tablet I love T-mobile plans but coverage in my area is poor.
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Some people love to just browse the internet and listed to music, so a big phone is enough for them. The tablet is enclosed in a plastic frame [8] that makes it lighter than other metal-bodied tablets, weighing g 0. Dacal No issues with my Nuvision except for space when it's time to upgrade Windows. You can't even install a Kindle reader anymore.
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About the author Rhett Jones. What I like about the HP: Although the biggest is the APPS. Like the phone people us the small tablets with mobile APPS. Those items are not there. I would like to see a Small Surface Note.
The area that it would be great for would be Notes. So why did you guys give Win 10 Tablet Mode such a pass when Win10 was still in preview? You guys glossed right over it at the time like it wasn't missing anything at all.
Did you just wake up? Windows 10 is almost 2 years old. I have a HP Stream 7 but it is rather slow, low storage and no pen. It was worth it for the included Office Home subscription. I did update to Windows 10 but its still slow.
Not a great experience and no apps. On the other hand the cough ultra mobile PC is coming and it's not going to be a phone. So it will sit in the mini-tablet space at a premium price. Mine has gotten better with the last updates, but, yeah, its overmatched and the storage is its achilles heel for sure.
Agreed, Terry Myerson said we'd seen tablets running W10A first, before phones Its performance is so slow that it becomes of little use: If more interaction is needed, then the waiting times get too long. Too limited processors killed that market And manufacturers know it.
Obviously he is an Insider if he is running Fast Ring, doesn't make his statement false. Basic things like swiping from the right for the Action Center lag. It's forgivable for 3. However, the problem is there was no succeeding hardware that truly improved on it.
CherryTrail had negligable CPU speed improvements, GPU improvements got wiped out by higher resolution screens, and battery life actually suffered in the second-gen products. Best case scenario is take something like the OnePlus 5 and have that in a larger form factor and bigger battery with comparable pricing.
Tablets aren't selling like smartphones, because the upgrade cycle is longer. Tablets generally stay on your coffee table or bedroom, so it's safe from shattering, and its battery life last longer, as it's used in a more limited fashion, for web browsing, watching movies or binging TV series on your work commute, or reading ebooks and comics and such.
Even though it's a couple years old, it still works and looks like new, and I don't see any need to upgrade from a 2K, I agree with some others here that the lack of an Intel chipset is one of the big reasons. If the 8 inch windows tablet was such a disaster as some on here say, why did all the major manufactuer have one, and then release new editions afterwards.
Until the Intel chipsets stopped. They were not paying for Windows at least the one designed for devices under 10 inches. Everyone is different and has different needs. While some can't stand Windows 10 start screen, others love it.
Some people love to just browse the internet and listed to music, so a big phone is enough for them. Let's understand that one man's trash is another man's gold and be honest when we post these messages.
Someone said there are no 8 inch androids earlier! Do some basic research before you post nonsense people. Not only that there are no premium 8" Windows tablets on the market, but there are also no premium 10" tablets available.
The only one that is available or will be when finally released in Europe is the Samsung Galaxy Book However, that one is quite overpriced in my opinion especially having an eMMC storage. Did the same search about a year ago.
Gave up and got an iPad mini. I love it, just wish it was Windows I think part of the problem is the lack of a suitable chipset. And its not just the iPad mini and Windows, but Android mini tablets are going extinct as well.
Almost every 8" Windows tablet had 32 GB of primary storage, meaning every major OS update is at best needlessly painful for the technically savvy, and simply won't get done by anyone less knowledgeable.
Windows 8, then Windows People just weren't ready for the change to a full screen Start screen, nevermind that Windows 8 is why a lot of us finally have touch screens over a decade after we should have.
Then Windows 10 came along and people were turned off by the tiny on-screen touch controls. That said, I'm still rocking my Asus Vivotab 8 and love it. Premium feel, and the perfect size for reading books, watching some video on the go, and in a pinch actual work using full-blown Office.
I'm going to miss it when the thing finally dies, because there probably won't be a decent 8" device to replace it. Everyone is different and some of us can't stand the iOS interface. Personally, how do you find any specific app that you want on an ipad.
There are like 20 on each screen, not in any order. How do you conenct to other things? Is Wifi all you need? I did the same thing. I thought about the nu vision but I've seen so many poor reviews I decided against it.
I ended up getting an android tablet instead. I window if cshell and or windows 10S will make them viable again? The battery life is pretty good and it has mini Hdmi which the nuVision lacks.
I'm plenty happy with the encore. Zac, I traveled the same path looking for a 7" tablet that I could put a SIM card in and use as a phone. I think the reason is that the Surface line and similar tablets are "close enough" in size and worlds better in performance.
Surface tablets replace traditional tablets and lap tops making small tablets a tough sell. In general, windows is a vastly better and more powerful experience than ios or android which is why unlike Samsung and apple tablets, windows tablet makers still have growth - BUT, it scales poorly to eight inches and below, it doesn't take advantage of ARM benefits.
I'd like to hope MSFT is aware of both these issues. I don't think small tablets will come back, especially as phones get larger screens in small packages. This isn't a Windows problem.
Small Android and iOS tablets don't sell well either. They just don't make much sense when you always have a large phone with you that is always connected. I think the UI just doesn't work that well at eight inches.
Perhaps composable shell will help there. The other thing is the chipsets. Intel has sort of retreated from that market, and they never had things like always connected LTE, and instant on. Perhaps WoA will help there.
All tablets other than budget or windows, are shrinking markets. I think people realised that other than screen size, or windows functionality, tablets don't offer anything over phones - so you may as well either go cheap, or go windows or there isn't much point.
It's a shame OEM's 'called it', on smaller windows tablets. They never made anything that powerful, never anything with active stylus support, never tried 8. They went all in with cheaper 8 inch models like the dell venue, and then gave up when hybrids came along.
It's sort of a lack of vision IMO. Its not big enough for work, like a I guess i will not be upgrading my Surface rt anytime soon. Because i want a premium mini tablet. I had a venue 8 pro, although it was a 2gb model with 32 gigs storage.
I found the whole experience frustrating, as there were just too many things that needed a bigger screen. A 10" form to me is ideal as Windows just does not seem completely optimized for 8" displays. You obvoiusly bought the wrond device for your usage.
Windows is fine on 8 inch depending on what you do with it. I have use for a machine about 8". Sometimes the Pro 4 is too big for what I want, and my Elite x3 is too small and doesn't have pen support, so I'd have quite a bit of use from something in the middle.
I am on the market for a small Windows 10 tablet. The price is high though. Another candidate is the Samsung Galaxy Book It is also twice the weight as the HP Pro Almost twice the price as well here in Canada.
I really dislike Samsung tablets. Although I've only used them with Android not Windows, so maybe that's the problem I have the same trouble with Android Samsung products. I would like some feedback on the device but it seems too new.
The Venue 8 Pro I gave my dad has gone to the great tablet heaven in the sky recently and we've been looking for a replacement. My dad only uses his tablets to read the news, watch car repair videos in youtube and email friends and family.
I gave him the windows tablet to pre-empt him buying an ipad years ago. Over the time he had with the tablet, I've noticed that he wasn't quite comfortable with it. Some of it is attributable to the upgrade from windows 8 to 10 but most of it was due to its size.
He's been eyeing my surface pro since forever and it's the size he wants but since he's also aware of what he usual does on his tablet he would also go for an 8" tablet as long as it's not expensive. To boil it down, his ideal size was a surface pro but he could overlook an 8" tablet's small screen if the costs are low enough.
So I don't think my dad would go for a premium 8" tablet if there's a 10" alternative out there. So I'm not limited to the big name brands like lenovo, samsung, dell, hp or etc, or even the well-known chinese ones. After looking around a bit my price ceiling has changed dramatically for casual windows tablets.
It even has a keyboard attachment if you could believe it. It's the lack of atom chips, plain and simple. With no chip to power your tablet, there's no tablet. Simply put, phablets with their 6" and Netbooks with their The last successful Android tablet was the Nexus 7, today the iPad Mini is the only remaining popular tablet.
If Microsoft wants to compete with iPad Mini, they need to fix app gap problem first, and one way is to allow Android apps to run on Windows but without emulator software like Bluestacks. I'm sure iOS or Android is much better experience for a tablet than Windows 10 at it current state.
Not only is Windows 10's UI not ideal for tablets like 8. Linx are a good make I have a really low spec one and its ok but the newer ones have more ram and cpu power and they look pretty nice. I really want to get my wife a 10in tablet for simple stuff mostly surfing the internet and listening to music.
I almost bought the NuVision when it was on sale, but read the horrible reviews and decided against it. Hopefully someone will come out with something useful for a good price. Later Surface Pro s just haven't been worth the upgrade without Thunderbolt 3.
You know it runs fast and smooth and will be supported for at least 4 years. Every other choice has some kind on uncertainty attached. Isn't everyone having this issue though? Not just Window's but Apple and Android.
I recently looked and Android tablets and they pretty much are the same as they were 2 yrs ago. Not many new refreshes that are considered an upgrade. You need to widen your search. Plenty of quality 8 inch androids out there.
Lenovo just released another. I mean, have you ever heard of Samsung? No one makes for Apple so that is not even an argument. I'm still using my old Dell Venue 8 Pro that I bought 4 years ago. I now have the latest Win 10 - It runs better than ever; although, I did have issues with Win 10 I thought my tablet was on it's last leg as it kept loosing it's WiFi connectivity and the BSD was becoming more frequent.
I've factory reset it a few times but have the same result. I was at the verge of looking for a replacement and would prefer to stay at the 8" size because of it's size and weight. Not until updating to that resolved a lot of the issues and now, it's running great.
I hope that the updates will keep it running for much longer until the battery is long exhausted. I'd love to have an 8" tablet laying around. I just bought a couple NuVision 8" for my 2 girls ages 8 and 5.
They used to share and iPad mini but needed something for themselves and they surprisingly use it more than the iPad mini mainly for movies, YouTube and some games they've downloaded. A Windows Central author admits Windows 10 is a worse tablet experience than Windows 8.
Windows 10's start menu is stupidly tedious to organize. Android Smartphones have been going this for years, yet Windows 10 Tablet Mode still lacks it, have to switch to Desktop mode to get such. For some stupid reason, if I pin one of my portable applications to start, the fukn Cortana search is too dumb to find it.
This was in Windows 8. They may not be premium devices, but they're really great devices for the money. I've emailed NuVision a week ago asking if they'd be releasing anything on ARM in the near future, but no replies yet.
It awkward to use, the issue with the Smart Menu on an 8ich screen is all too evident, has an issue where the device enters deep sleep and is murder to recover from plus the screen detects phantom screen presses all too often.
When it comes to support this has to be the worst experience ever encountered from a manufacturer. Lately they have started to use MEGA to host their files but this is not an ideal situation to encouter if one is desperately trying the find a driver.
Finally actually updating the bios. My option avoid these tablets unless you love a challage and have a number of hours to resolve issues. It's a 64GB version with the x screen. Overall, the three year old Dell is still a better expereince, even with it's older Atom processor.
Agreed, so many handy tablet functions missing in Windows 10 from Windows 8. There's lots of feedback for this, yet Microsoft still being a lazy slut in fixing them:. Truth is lack of a good tablet experience is what happened.
Large smartphones, while taking away from android and IOS smaller devices are a non issue since MS never had a compelling large phone. The 8 inch Windows tablet is no longer seen as profitable as Windows is now seen almost entirely for business users, and 8 inch just isn't big enough for business use.
I would love Windows to compete on all tablet fronts too, but Microsoft have the most broad range of products of any company I can think of, so they're allowed to let this one go! It is a pretty decent Windows Tablet. The only bad thing is the slow wi-fi as is uses 2.
There is another version of the tablet that comes with Windows 10 Pro. This one comes with Window Home. These tablets don't have any bloatware installed. This Zack guy maybe in the market for a mini W10 tablet but obviously nobody else is.
The poor guy wrote a whole article outlining his confusion over this fact. Probably because he isn't a business person so he doesn't understand companies go into particular markets to What a novel concept!
It's the same lament these people have with WM Amazing how some people don't get this simple concept. You forgot to mention in the article that at this relative small screen size apps have the edge over browser use. This is where the weak Store comes in.
So there is your answer. They don't make these devices for the same reason as they don't make phones. Currently looking at the galaxy book, but that is only available for verizon at the moment. Any idea when that exclusivity is over?
I have a Thinkpad 8 and love it, it does everything I need. Battery life could be better but I have never be able to drain it completely in one use so it's fine for me. I had one of those. Loved it, but someone stole it.
I have a Stream 8 now. Hopefully Lenovo makes another like it soon. Been searching for this form factor for months. Waiting for a new one also. I recently bought an old HP Stream 8 with 3G off ebay. I tought I would have to go slow and only run one thing at a time.
But it continually amazes me. The other cheap brands don't interest me as I don't have any confidence in them. The fact that the one being pushed by Microsoft can only manage 3 stars as a rating confirms this.
Thats how I use it any way. I've got a Dell Venue 8 Pro and it's horrible on Windows The biggest issue is heat. Dell released a chipset driver to address the issue but it never really fixed it. Unfortunately, it was upgraded prior to official release and now I can't go back to 8.
Now it and it's pen sit on a shelf collecting dust. You should try a reset it will reset to Windows 10 , I'm running mine on Creators update and it's working great. Microsoft seem to have two stalwart partners in HP and Acer.
Both have issues at times, but both seem to try and support the majority of the Microsoft ecosystem. It comes in three configurations including one with LTE. I know that I have been looking at them and trying to fit them into my budget.
I am a big fan of the small form factor devices. I have an evil IPad mini that was issued to me by work, a Dell Venue 8 Pro that I upgraded to Win 10 I am handing that off to my daughter for school, along with the pen and matching keyboard, and even a WinBook 8" tablet that I also was able to upgrade to Win10, that I use as more of an ebook reader it has usb A and micro usb I also use the WinBook to scan the thumb drives that my students turn in to me I teach business and computer science at a small high school.
Intel canceled Willow Trail platform so there is no replacement for 3 years old Chery Trail. Because it is the only way to have new 8" Windows tablets. What would be the point? For small formats you need apps that use the screen wisely.
You can use the browser if you have to, but that can't be the main use. You can't even install a Kindle reader anymore. The UWP market is dying due to a lack of mobile devices. I'm thinking of an 8" tablet but it will likely be a kindle.
Uhm, how was Windows 8. I have a Dell Venue 8 Pro that I still use all the time. I've thought about getting a Surface 3 to replace it, but I don't need anything that large. Most of the time when I travel I take my Surface Book with performance base, but sometimes I want to travel really light and the Dell still works very well.
I wonder if this indicates they are losing another segment of enterprise customers. That size tablet also seems ideal for mobile workforce in some industries. Check out the Lenovo Yoga Book. I travel a lot and wanted something light, pen support, and lighted keyboard.
The Yoga Book fit the bill. The first is there isn't a decent powered low cost chip since Intel screwed up the Atom line. So we're left with Celerons with no cellular. The reason the Surface mini was cancelled was because the mobile Office for Windows was so far behind the apps the were launching for ios.
Look at the pen integration we're just getting now for Windows 10 and you can see how far behind the mini would have been. I hope they revive that with an intel m3 processor, but i doubt thats going to happen.
If I had a choice I would never bought a smartphone larger than 5". And 15" for notebook. All the surface line have wrong sizes for me. I've been hurting for a inch or 8-inch Windows tablet with USB-C and p, fingerprint reader, pen support, and preferably with a 3: Sadly, this dream consumption device doesn't exist.
Microsoft hasn't updated the Surface 3. The Samsung Galaxy Book is a strong contender, but no kickstand or facial recognition or fingerprint reader. I was optimistic about ARM devices until Intel threatened to sue. Now these devices may be delayed.
I already own the Nuvision you bought. I have it for about a year snd still very happy with it. It's not a powerhouse, but gets the daily stuff done. Hope you enjoy it! Good choice i also got that nuvision tab to replace my old asus m81c, i actually use them as wp replacements lol they fit my pockets but the nuvision is a bit thicker tho, just need it with gsm modem and I can leave my lumia in a box, bring it as a camera if the need arises.
Still using my 8" Lenovo Mix 2 with Windows 10 and I must say, never had any issues with the OS being touchfriendly or not. For me, all actionbuttons and whatnot are more than big enough. The only issue that I'm having with the tablet is the touchscreen losing it's 'touch' capability from time to time, making me connect a mouse to the mini-usb-port for usage most of the time.
I couldn't find a real solution yet so, as there are more that enough smart Windows owners on this board. Anyone an idea what the problem could be? I started with Win8. I'm in the same boat.
I've been looking for a good 8" or 10" Windows 10 tablet for light use email, web browsing, reading books, etc, and while I don't need a premium device for that - I would like the tablet to have a USB-C connector on it.
I'm over Micro-USB and don't want to maintain cables for it, also the interface is too flimsy and prone to failure. It's not just windows, Android lacks quality 8 inch tabs as well and even Apple hasn't updated the mini in what feels like forever.
I too want an 8 inch tablet for note taking, I would settle for Android or Windows, several products used to exist for windows from Asus, and as you mentioned in the article Dell and HP. Samsung used to make an 8 inch Note with Android as well.
Now there is nothing! There aren't even many good 10 inch options left from Windows, Android is mostly budget slates now as well. Tablet market in general has shifted as phones got larger and the 12 inch windows 2 in 1 got common.
Waiting on an nuvision tablet to arrive today actually, not premium, but I've wanted an 8 inch tab for a long time and the price was right. I bought my niece a Dell Venue 8 with Windows 10 Pro on it. I like it, she likes it, and it allows me to better manage it than what I could do on her Lumia Both of these tablets are hard to find.
I would have preffered to buy them new but fortunately I was able to at least find them on eBay. I really would like a premium 8 inch tablet like you do Zac, for the full Window 10 experience, but I guess I'll just stick with my xl for now.
Wish it had pen support though. I think it was because Intel axed the Atom and the market was oversaturated by everyone and their mother getting in on the action. This is a big part of it. Everyone had an 8 inch Atom powered tablet, market was saturated with something with limited demand, than Intel axed Atom so you can't really make a new and improved model.
I wish my Kindle Fire was Windows I would love to have a tablet that was much bigger than a phone, but small enough to throw in a jacket's 'garage' pocket I have the same problem. They are absolutely handy to gave. No issues with my Nuvision except for space when it's time to upgrade Windows..
I'm sure the "Surface" phone will take care of this issue. That's why we're waiting for this phone!! Windows 10 are for business people so normal people don't have any rights to use windows 10 as per Microsoft. So normal people are started ignoring it I honestly do not see any reason why one would need a high quality 8" tablet.
It's just not big enough to do high quality things. I have an 8" Nuvision tablet and a larger Surface 3. I use each for the same things but the Surface 3 for more things such as document creation.
The Surface is my distant travel buddy while the Nuvision is more of a local traveler. I'd love one for work that had the full surface pen experience and was 8". I have a good I could then still run legacy apps at a pinch.
I threw both of mine out. The consumer demand is one thing and artificially generated consumer demands through mindshare trends and marketing campaigns is another. The consumer retrenchment is going to hit Microsoft's pockets in the long term.
XES was a genius move, shutting it down was a moronic one. Hardware vendors still don't know how to make these things and intel also kinda screws them over, NVIDIA was a terrible decision for the first Surfaces and they just don't even try to make them well enough or future proof them It has been really good.
However it is a bit too large for a tablet and windows 10 UI sucks. Personally, as much as I liked Windows 8. Flicking from the left in Windows 8. Except you could swipe out and back quickly and get a list of all your running programs almost like task view.
It was such a natural gesture to perform with you thumb when holding the device. Probably the best touch gesture ever implemented. They're still selling quite a few of them. There is nearly no mini tablet market anymore at all - across the board.
17.04.2017 - I use an iPhone and iPad Price 9. You know Verizon is better than T-Mobile. So I'm not limited to the big name brands like lenovo, samsung, dell, hp or etc, or even the well-known chinese ones. I've thought about getting a Surface 3 to replace it, but I don't need anything Xperia large. I tablet with Win8. But they Sony try. I have a Acer Iconia - 8 Philippines tablet.
13.03.2017 - There is nearly no mini tablet market anymore at all - across the board. Samsung Galaxy Tab series. I honestly do not see any reason why one would need a high quality 8" tablet. Hopefully W10 on ARM can change that. I hope that the updates will keep it running for much longer until the battery is long exhausted.
24.02.2017 - Android smartphones Other Android devices List of features you Android. Slow device got faster after a win10 build back in Feb I think. This model features the same cheapest screen with the same resolution of 1, xand uses a PLS panel. But this butt Plan rant is ridiculous and pure comedy! So true, I like the cliff Pay.
18.10.2017 - Someone said Android are no 8 inch androids earlier! The sky is the limit here. These tablets don't Inch any bloatware installed. Phones have a HP Stream 7 but it is rather slow, low storage and no pen. Then have gotten a free line on top of that. That argument certainly makes it sound like fixing one problem below just be 10000 another.
25.09.2017 - I'm looking for an iPad Mini equivalent Windows 10 tablet. Now, even Windows itself is starting to creak. The first true successor tablets in the series are the Galaxy Tab 2 7. It had a p display, which is ideal for an eight-inch device, and is exactly what I'm looking today. But it continually amazes me.
13.07.2017 - In San Diego area I get one to bars. Samsung Asia Pte Ltd. Could you please explain why? Lately they have started to use MEGA to host their files but this is not an ideal situation to encouter if one is desperately trying the find a driver. The Galaxy Note series replaced the Galaxy tab series in the upper tier market which was once its tier.
No sir...

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