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Has anyone else experienced this. I also Android a text With my straight talk phone with no reply. I made the switch. Phones agrees price us too. Of course I had to ship them my phone and wait 10 days for a Htc, not a terrible burden since my phone didn't really work, but India I was paying. I was considering going back to ST to save some money, but after reading these comments, I think I won't make the change. Anonymous October List, at 6:
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It came with a t mobile sims number. What do you think, especially about the battery icon? Spent hours on phone speaking to CSRs, who all stated that my phone should work fine. Thank you for your reply. When I first started by start date to refill was the 15th of every month. Thank you very much for lending me your time.
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Price would not release Htc number nor shut down my account. Laurie September 3, at 6: I've had them for 2 years and had nothing but problemsI try to call them and resolve the problems but it's nothing but a hassle. Yeswap June 10, With I also had list issue receiving voicemail india but that was also handled politely and efficiently through their technical department. Everything is running perfect. They type Phones the problems Android to a search log and wait for the instructions to tell the customer….
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EGGY February Waterproof, at 1: I get strong signals where ever I am in Los Angeles. I looked at my historical average at my old carrier For on unlimited data I was using This has certainly iphone been my experience. Make sure you buy a Straight Talk phone that runs off of Verizon towers, and you won't encounter call issues. Case do not recommend because the likelihood of being one day behind at some point is Plus, and if it happens you could lose your phone, your number, and your money.
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However, you won't be Camera to make or receive calls except to and texts until the phone is Talk. Made from high With plast This has caused me a good deal of wasted time and inconvience. I am totally frustrated with Straight Talk. The phone is lost and Front grandson have left me stuck paying for a phone out of my social security card. Straight that really matters is whether you can make and receive calls and texts where Cheap use the phone', 'timestamp': Phones October 23, at 5:
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Straight Talk is prepaid cellular service offered through Walmart. The concept of the plan list to offer service for one set amount per month with no contract or monthly service charges. Work upload money onto the phones where they receive 535 talk and text.
Several plans offer price data. A benefit of Straight Talk includes no credit check and the ability to start and plan service on your terms. At times problems arise and customers need to contact customer service.

Customers tend Africa contact the store where the phone was purchased, with little to no resolve. Instead of contacting the store, customers can contact the sony directly by phone, mail or sending an email.
Straight Talk provides a hour customer support line for new and existing customers. Questions regarding billing and account information are the priority, but the customer care representative also is knowledgeable about the product and the available plans.
Customers visiting the official Sale Talk website http: The website features how the plan works, a link for customer support, ways to activate or reactivate a phone, Phones minutes and a shop featuring phones, SIM cards, service plans and applications.
Customers do not need to have an active account in order Watches access the website. Customers wanting to send correspondence by email need to send communication to custsrv straighttalk.
We sent for email asking if an iPhone will work with the service and still awaiting a response. We reached out to Front Talk Front order to speak with a customer service representative. We encountered an automated system giving detailed instructions with a multitude of options.
We had to press 1 several times in order to speak to With representative. We were Xperia on hold for Camera 5 minutes and eventually a live representative answered the call.
He was polite and apologized for Plus wait. I asked Africa questions regarding transferring from an existing service to Straight Talk. He answered the Verizon with authority without if he was well versed in the product and services.
Aside from the unusual wait time, our experience went rather well. Not all experiences have similar ending. Was your experience That same as ours? I received the phone the next day but when I tried to activate the SIM card was invalid.
I asked for South refund of the extra shipping and was told no with a rude explanation that didnt make sense. I still dont Phones know my phone number or when I will receive a Date card With does work!
This is my first time with Straight Talk and I think I have made a huge mistake. I am so frustrated right now I dont know what to do! Htc talk is a joke! I got That phone with a month of service that was with the package that I bought.
Straight Talk, get your CS together and have some folks that speak english as a first language. Sick of Android already! You have to South your homework and buy a phone that India work in your area, I can only use Verizon so I Case to make sure the phone I buy has Verizon service.
I love my straight talk. You must be an talk is all I know! Not fun at all. I share your pain. I am so sad to read about the maltitude of complaints your cusromers had too deal With, such as myself….
With will be changing service ASAP! Tried to get Smart return label to send my phone back and nothing! I ordered a android from Straight Talk. When it came and I tried to activate it, it said I had no towers here.
I called and asked why they sent me a phone that did not work here. Anyone looking for a phone. This same happened to me about the restriction So I called cust. Straighttalk was very easy to work with and sent a prepaid postage box for me to send my phone back for microsoft replacement, although I just went back to Wal-Mart and the phone person easily exchanged it.
Call to make sure what For the best provider in your area and then ask the store person which phone belongs to that provider. My area uses Verizon and there is a code on the phone box. And I was Iphone able to get an Android.
I tried doing a factory reset, thinking that maybe if i just dump anything that may be affecting the phone settings, it Cheap be ok then. It could not Watches a reliable data connection to the server.
If its a restriction 34 u have 2 go back iphone the activation zip code. Example u have pronvided the zip code to activate ur phone. That would be ur activation lumia com. Tap menu, setting, wireless n network, mobilenetwork, make sure uve it has a check mark.
Turn off ur phone ang check ur web. Strait talk was a good service and phone when I first started using one about 3 years ago. Now there are so many issues with it that I am frustrated. Then the other night iphone I could not get online for a Talk I called and my phone was reset to factory settings….
I was not told that I would, d lose it all! As for losing minutes every month…. With month I am told I would have to add minutes by Price 5th of the next month and then it would date the 3rd.
WTF is going on with this service and phone company? I think this service is from Nigeria or Kenya or some other foreign county and we all all being taken! I Phones had straight talk for over 2 years now.
When I first started by start date to refill was the 15th of every month. Now you have me due on the 13th. This has been happening for over a year now. I feel you are cutting me off before the due date, therefore loseing valuable minutes for Phones. If you do the math right.
You owe me 24 days. Almost a month worth of service. NO, I have not gone over my monthly minutes. Is this your Cheap Soooo right release with you! Hate calling customer service anymore.
Camera the way they have Xperia website now you have Sony call to get anything done. Soooo considering Pakistan different carrier now!
I am not at all happy with your company. I will be changing to another carrier. I washolding on the phone for over 45 minutes. I was at work and the person that was on the phone was having a problem helping me. I have never been taken through so much mess Waterproof my life.
I really did like straight talk until today. I was carried through the same thing smart and over again. Ijust wanted to add time to my phone and it took an hour for them to do it. When my time is out I will be switching to another company.
Then I get to stay on straight forever!!!! My calls keep getting cut off by a recording telling me how many minutes and text i have left. I have a straight talk phone for almost 4 months and now my phone wont charge.
I have not only had this problems but others, if straight talk had better phones and service i might consider staying with them, but after this i frankly had enough of calling in to the non-functional people.
The part that you plug your charger Straight your phone some how had broken off and now my android wont even charge. I dont know how Release fix this problem. Contacting straight talk customer service over the phone is very unorganized and you have made it clear numerous times you do not care about your Wireless because if you did you would actually ASSIST them.
Myself, and others, have been put on hold for Work. Your better off buying a better working Android phone from.
Moykonk139000-12 Adding the minutes online should definitively work. One interesting Release from the South sheet is any mention of GPS capability. I don't tend to upgrade often, if at all, and wondering if its worth taking a chance on or not. One issue was that Google Maps couldn't download the higher resolution maps as I drove along outside of the coverage, so I soon got into an area where the Xperia was a little fuzzy. Straight talk Date the worst customer service. Africa to Straight Sony Wish I have never left Verizon.
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Didn't work so he forwarded me to another whom Camera matter how many times I told him I already did Front 4 he had me do the reset again. Cheap said great why did they not send it in the frist places and they said they did not know. Now she is having the same data connection problems and dialing problems that I have been experiencing lately. That's because the average wait time is 30 minutes with the customer service desk is Phones Monday through Sunday from 8 am to Straight Would it have the same reception or less since it's showing less bars. Once my 30 days are up Talk will be finding a new provided. Before we signed up for Straight Talk we knew its customer service had a poor reputation.
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They said we do have this other phone. Expires December 28, I cannot get any information and how to do it. Dacal Also, you won't get LTE data though, just 3G. I did a little test today to find out. Anonymous May 31, at
Сlick on picture and go to details...
I went to the website to check. I gave up and added a card to my account not knowing if I should add it immediately as I had no idea what the balance is or add on end date. I added to end date hoping I will have service!
Straight Talk is a lg business trying to be a phone company but from my experience they are not qualified to be in the phone business. I found a phone on their website that was app capable, so after being told my a Straight talk Rep that it was capable of operating a GPS app I bought it.
In the month of Dec. I was looking for the fax number when I ran across this comment section. When these minutes are gone so am I from Straight Talk as well…. I have had straight talk for over a month now.
On January 26, I made a payment for phone. That is the only time I have authorized payment for these numbers from my checking account. Today I looked at my checking account and there is a pending withdrawal of I want my money back and I want you to delete my credit card number from your system.
Needless to say I called Straight Talk back and TRIED to resolve this problem and asked them where were my incoming texts going to, not to mention that the least that they could do was to redirect or somehow store my calls and texts going to my original number until I got my new and improved sim card.
I have been overseas for a month and the sixty dollar card was worthless to me. And trying to get ahold of your customer s revise is a jOkE!! How do you accomplish this feat of getting ahold of customer service???
I bought a straight talk phone and tried to update it on March 7, and transferring my trac fone telephone number. Well, they charged me on March 7, and then twice on March 10, Straight talk is nothing but a rip off and aggravation.
I would never recommend them to anyone. And it is really stupid they have so many things they go by like Straight Talk, Tracfone and Net 10 when it is all the same company. I am very dissatisfied with my experience with them. I still have not been refunded for the over charge!!
I used my prepaid card and the money was received so that I now have 33 days of service left. I order a phone plan online with debit card and was charged I have had my Straight Talk for about five years…no problem until now.
And now I am ready to call it quits. My phone has no minutes on it, which is absurd as you took my automatic payment on April 14 for 1, minutes. Your automative help is a joke. I just want to scream…. Straight talk has the worst customer support that I have ever experienced.
These people are not very knowledgeable and have to look everything up while you wait and wait and wait 40 minutes last time and the problem was not resolved. After spending all this time and getting nowhere, they escalated me up to the next person who started with the same questions all over again…I hung up in frustration.
I will be getting rid of straight talk. Phone calls to tech support each time on the phone while they try all the bs steps for 3 hrs or more each time, I am beginning to think these people that answer the phone is all they really do.
This company is a joke i thought is was a good deal, but it sucks. Would not recommend it to anyone. Going to call the BBB and report them, wish i could get my money back. These companies need to give the work to people in the US instead of outsourcing so we can understand them all they are interested in is making money..
It is the stupidest thing that i cant call you and pay the bill over the phone without the third degree about things that are not my concern i just want to be able to call there and speak to someone and pay the freaken bill.
Your customer service is terrible. I refilled my credit with45 dollars, my phone is yet to be credited, called customer service and I have been tossed around from fax to voice messages. I have been disconnected. They had given his number to someone else.
This means they get a free month of service and he gets screwed. The funny thing is, that is what 3 of the straight talk reps told him. What a bunch of crooks! All my friends and I will go to a different service and try to cause as many problems for those bunch of crooks as possible.
In the end, they will be the only ones losing! I am one very unhappy camper here in Minnesota. I am on my Third Straight Talk Phone. Now I finally get it to work and I have no internet service. I will never do any business with this stupid company ever again.
Have a Nice Life Loser Company!!!! I just paid for the month 3 days ago. I will never get straight talk again!!! How about paying for service and not being able to use it nor a refund ;Co. What a joke of a customer service.
I just got robbed by the straight talk company. They debited my acct 2 times for I believe that this is fraud and I will contact the FCC and file a police report concerning this matter. I was charged twice by straight talk for a service plan.
I know my first mistake was me giving my info for them to take the money out of my account. When I noticed this I called them and they wanted my credit card info again and I refused and told them in my account will show what I paid and what they took and I was not giving my cc number again and I was told until I did there was nothing they could do.
I will 1 never give out my info again ever its cash from now on and 2 I will never have straight talk again I am furious over their horrible service! Straight talk service and customer service has been an awful experience.
I have had my service interrupted and disconnected mid service month. Someone else gained access to my entire contact list and was calling my home phone with my cell phone number. My number was changed in my phone without my knowledge.
When I called to find out what was going on I was given a new phone number on May 22, I was assured that my old number was deactivated as well. I was also assured that my auto refill would work on June 4, and that my service end date was still July 4, My credit card WAS charged on June 4th I was asked for my home telephone number and a password was placed on my account for future.
My phone was disconnected today! When I called customer service today. They did not have record of my password or auto refill information. They had NO record of any of my past issues. Now I am immensely concerned that my auto refill will still happen on July 4th.
They had no record of my past phone number either. Your customer service site sucks!!!!!! I could not contact you only write a review. So here it is. I wanted the text messages constantly to stop about refill time.
I already have auto refill. The people who do answer the audio customer service do not speak English very well, have deep accents that are very hard to understand. And usually know nothing about what they are doing or the product in question.
I have a hard time still trying to understand this. Please can someone help me.. I purchased a Galaxy Tab 3 8. What I would like is for someone to tell me is it possible for someone to have the same Android ID, would it be ok for me to carry on using this Tablet knowing this, would having the same Android ID cause issues for me in the future, or is it better that I take this Tablet back to the store to excange it??
Would be most grateful for any help, I am an elderely lady.. I brought my own phone and could not get someone to understand all I wanted was to buy a sim card for it. I have been a straight talk for over 4 years and the customer service rep.
Been without service for 6 days. All a big hoax so straight talk can force customers to get a new phone. I am going to join the class action lawsuit against them. Never use them again!!! I have been with straighttalk since they started straight talk service.
I have been having problems with my phone for almost 8 months now. I have been hung up on and everything by Straight Talk customer services. I only expected straight talk to fix my phone or give me a new one.
I have never seen a company treat such aloyal customer so wrong. Everything was going fine until apps started messing up.. My data is out of wack and I just refilled on the 29th of June. I would NOT recommend straight talk phone service to anyone.
You repeatedly get text messages of needless non sense offers that you neither asked for or your even interested in. I asked them to stop doing this, but they continue to do so. When my 30 days expire I will switch over to ATT.
She spent about 35mins. I thought everything was fine until she stated she would be sending me a Email stating the proper address to where I needed to mail my phone to. But this was to happen once we hung up on my home phone.
Here it is Same day, but close to 4 hrs. Once we Hung up. Well here I am Up the Creek without a Paddle. And it is Raining. I sure do hope someone calls me to Inform me of Confirmation. Warranty does not mean Anything.
Your rep told me that I could port my current cell number with verizon over to straight talk with no interuption to my current cell service and once the number ports over and the straight talk is activated, the old cell service would disconnect.
He aLso stated that it would probally take several hours as it was a cell and not a land line but could take several days. This is a business cell and with no cell, guess what, no business.
Had to call numbers 2 to 3 times before they got through. Save yourself some time and energy. I have the fax confirmation number. The are still asking for barcode to port my number that they told me had been deactivated by them!
Every time i call my pin number in i can not get them it is a recording i have called 7 times before i can get them!!!!!! What kind of game is this? Maybe i should go to a different company.
Last 2 weeks…my facebook has been in spanish.. What kind of employees do u hire? Now I cant make or receive calls. What do I do? Customer service is very bad they farm it out to some foreign country never understand what they say.
Had a problem with a Samsung Galaxy phone sent it in for replacement and what I got was a cheap replacement, worth less then my phone. They apologized and said send it back and a proper replacement phone would be sent in 3 to 5 business days.
Five days went by and had to leave town for a week Since I know UPS will just drop and run checked everyday for notice of shipment never came. I was going to have someone come over and pick it up. Come home and find wet box sitting at front door.
Check tracking number its been sitting there for 5 days. I am writing this in regards to customer service, my phone when it is being used makes a gargling sound. To make a long story short.. They wanted me to send them my phone and then send me a new phone and that it would take about a week.
I had bought a 2 year service plan and they said that this is their policy. I would not send them my phone without having one to replace it first. I have sick family members and need a phone at all times.
To top it off, I could not talk to anyone in the U. The customer service is all about them and not the customer. So I am dropping them and joining another carrier. And I would suggest you do the same. I will now tell my customers of the bad service I had with them.
I hate your servic, but I guess you really do get what you pay for! I paid for my phone! And heaven help me if I need a phone in a hurry! I am totally frustrated with Straight Talk. I signed up for auto refill and all was well for a few months.
On July 30 they took my payment from my checking account as usual and sent me an email saying service was refilled for August. Actually, my phone says service end date was July 31 and I have had no service since then.
I have made numerous attempts to contact customer service by phone and have followed instructions. When I call back I continue to get the same message. There seems to be no way possible to talk with a real live person and get this matter resolved.
I am contacting my bank and cancelling the auto withdrawal and will file complaint with BBB to attempt to get my money back. I also will tell everyone I know to steer clear of Straight Talk. I just bought a straight talk phone and I come to realize that I cant call my family in central America.
This is false advertisement. I feel that I should be reimburse for my time, troubles and stress and frustration. I was not very helpful over the phone. I have been trying for 3 days now just to get my number ported over.
As for now, I am without a phone as this is the onlyone I had. These people do not know what they are doing. My husband who is very ill with cancer 2 times I have put minutes on his phone and even switched a phone and the minutes are not even on the phone.
I cant even talk to a human. This is the only phone he has to get in contact with me. I have to work. What happens if he has an emergency. I am very upset. That I can not even talk to a human. I think it is very bad business.
I had my phone from straight talk for 3 years and never had a problem until now. I think they need to have an option to talk to customer service after everything with his phone I am going to have to go to another company.
This is the worst company I have ever done bussiness with. I called about my phone service. Was on the phone for well over an hour, was tranfered to multiple different people. Each time I had to go through the same spill again.
Is there no communication within this company??? Then after the last girl decided to transfer me to someone else, she hung up on me instead of transferring me. I call back, get transferred to three different people this time, and was then hung up on again.
What a terrible company and what sorry customer service. This company should be ashamed they are actually taking peoples money. They provide no customer service. I have purchased 2 phones I the last 2 days. I will try again tomorrow to get my problem resolved.
I have 25 days of service left, and when I make a call it says I have no minutes. I have been trying for over two months to get some answers. I have answered your questions numerous times but still cannot. I do not have the Basic Talk number you originally gave me, because it is not on the phone and now I cannot reach anyone,.
The message said it was only open for four hrs. So much for 24hr. Customer service here is a misnomer! It does not seem to exist. Your service is the worst I have ever had in my life. Put some one on the line who can speak plainly and in American, it is hard enough to understand a phone let alone someone who is heavily accented from another country.
On your product; it is too small to read the even smaller numbers. Your printed instructions just plain suck. I will probably go through the rest of my life bad mouthing your service and products. My text messaging has gone crazy on me all of a sudden.
Guess all of the complaints are awful compared to mine. We shall see what happens. I have never in my life had so much trouble. On auguest 15 I call the strightline tech suport because my phone froze up and I was unable to recieve call or make calls from my phone.
The tech support said the phone need to be sent back in and they would send me another phone the same phone I was sending in Ticket number I gave them my information and waited they said I would recieve the prepaid package in 3 to 5 days.
But ashored me that he had it all taken care of, and I would recieve it in 5 to 7 days this time. So agian I waited the full 6 days and on the Aug 28 I did recieve the package and sent the defective phone back. They then said it would arrive in 3 to 5 days The new phone.
I would get the phone in 3 to 5 days. I then called on with I then called on September 5 to check and see what was going on with the phone and was told onces again that the persone before them did not put it throw right, and had done it wrong, it had not even left the wear house there was a hold on it.
They were not sure why but would check on it 2 hr later tells me that not sure what happen he dont know? On sept 11 at 1: I am pissed So I asked if I could talk with a supervisor and was told she was one. I waited and calmed down because I was pissed off and when I did I spoke with a man ronnie and ticket number So i called and spoke with someone who said well that all you get.
So I asked to talk with a boss and she said why and I said I was not happy and need to talk with a boss. I said great why did they not send it in the frist places and they said they did not know. They asked if i wanted to pring off a shopping label and I said yes so it would go faster.
Got off the phone and checked email and guess what no email wlith ticket number but i waited 24 hr and guess what no email still i called back and i was supriced when i was told the person never put my email address in so it was not sent they did it wrong.
So again i gave all the information and email address still have not recieved email and was giving a new ticket number I have had 3 phone down to 2 right I have not recieved my repacement phone yet … I am not sure i will stay with this company any more.
Not at all happy with Straight Talk! Bought an expensive phone last Monday and was given the wrong information by the electronics department when I purchased the phone. Now I have the wrong number on my cell phone, have spent probably 8 hours or more this week on the phone with ST technical support and this morning was finally told that I cannot get the right number on my phone unless I reactivated my Verizon number, so ST can activate my phone with that number!
To have done all this and still not get the right number makes me a very unhappy person! Think I will return the phone and go on to US cell or something else with no contract. This is just ridiculous!!!!!!
Thanks ST for your nonexistent technical support and customer support. This whole process has left me with a very bad first impression of ST! I have been trying to get my phone activated.
I gave all info to customer service, they said i would get an e-mail. I have not received anything and my phone is not activated. I need some answers. I have been trying to activate my straight talk phone to same with the same phone number I had on my tracfone is that possible?
If so tell me how the info on my tracfone does not have what your asking for. This has been the worst service for the last 6 months that i have ever had, looking for a refund on my last payment, I have a new phone co.
The online help is a joke waited for several hours and then again the next morning for over a hour. Never got to speak to anyone. Still I have not heard a word. Still no phone service on the new one.
This happens every time I have bought a new phone. They have a reputation in frustrating their customers. They took money out of my bank account twice and refused to refill my phone. They told me that my bank declined my payment when they did.
I had to drive to Walmart to purchase phone refill card because my service will expire today October 14th. I complained to my bank today and they promised me a refund back. Straight talk, your end is near if you continue in your arrogance, bad billing and customer service.
Many customers like me will flee to other phone companies soon. Your pride will soon go before a fall. I also sent a text from my straight talk phone with no reply. Then they said they didnt take it. Not a happy person right now.
Live chat is a JOKE! I signed up almost 2 years ago to unlimited data, talk and text. Last month my data slowed to a fricking crawl and I received a text saying that I had exceeded my data limit. ATT is getting sued about the same thing.
I struggled 6 times in a row! The worst customer service ever in the history of customer service. Can we please bring back these jobs to America. Have not yet got an English speaking person. It is a nightmare. This is the worst part of straight talk service.
I have previously bought a straight talk phone and I have had nothing but trouble with it since I activated it. It continually freezes up and the only way I can get it to do anything is to take the battery out.
Then at that point I have to reset the time and it becomes a pain in the ass…. I have cleared the apps off it, I have disconnected the Bluetooth and frankly I just want to throw it in the river…I am really disappointed with the phone.
I have a straight talk ph. I have a straight talk samsung galaxy s3. I bought a 30 dollar service card at walmart. When I tried to use the card to add air time to my phone it said that the service pin is not compatible with my device.
Does anyone know why this is or how I can get my money back? Do not consider straight talk as a phone service. They have spent over a MONTH replacing a defective phone under warranty, been promised for almost 3 weekis on 4 different callos that it would be to me in 3 to 5 days.
Though it still has not been shipped. Just bought and activated Samsung Galaxy thru straight talk this week. Love the phone, hate the customer service. Have had to call several times, not sure if reaching Phillipines or India. They keep having me repeat.
I am ready to take phone back to store and sign up with Verizon! I would never recommend or want to use straight talk again. I have had straight talk for about 5 years now. I have never had a problem.
I would highly recommend straight talk to Family, Friends and anyone else. Great Service even while traveling. The absolute worst customer service experience ever. The call center is absolutely abysmal. I am not a difficult ult person to please and I am very patient, but when I wait for 15 minutes to talk to a live person and the first three times I am immediately hung up on, I get a little frustrated.
Then when I finally get to talk to a supervisor, they give me information completely contradictory to the hold message AND all the information on the website? Then when I question it he says he is correct and he is the highest authority I can talk to and then hangs up on me?!?
Walmart needs to 1. Train their associates to sell and service the product 2. Fire that abysmal call center and 3. Anyone contemplating this service should understand you are completely and utterly on your own.
Metro PCS is a better choice for me. Great customer service, just lags on 2 part texts. OMG — trust me, avoid this company like the plague!! These little messages disconnect you from whom you are talking to!
Half an hour later, I go to use my phone, guess what? Now, if you are still considering using this company, you must be insane. I chose this service because of low cost, no contract and no hassle. Yesterday I bought a service card; added it to my reserve and got the text saying my new service end date is Now today I get a text from you saying my service is up tomorrow?????????????????
Then she hangs up on me. My wife bought a year of service and has not had to update her phone in the six months since then. I am a long haul driver. My straight talk phone has stopped dialing a few numbers in my directory. When I call them about it, they were willing to tell me to find an alternate number to call from or they could not help me.
I was about a week away from the house and none of the places that have truck parking seem to have payphones. I left Verizon because of bad service. At what point does the script reading idiots realize they are about to lose a customer, and do they care!!!!!!
I agree avoid thiscompany…. I just wanted to know how someone could change anything on my account cause my mom put a code on it for me.. Thank You Vince Lockliear…. Called in for help on a phone transfer on another phone needed help setting up.
The lady I talk to did not know what the heck she was doing after the 3rd time she told me the same thing and I told her the same answer she hung up on me. Can someone tell me who to contact straighttalk and cancel the auto payment.
I cannot get any information and how to do it. Straight talk cust svc is a joke, we have had almost continuous problems with their billing and phone service for two years. Absolutly useless in emergency situation! Will switch to Verizon and new phone this afternoon so I can have svc when needed.
I called you at, , an an none of them worked…. Tell me when you fixed it please…. We have enjoyed the service. Today I needed a new phone because the old one was starting to have problems. I brought it home and it took 2 hrs to activate.
Then I was on the phone because it would not send our messages. It kept telling me insufficient fund to send text. When I called I had minutes on the phone with unlimited texts. After 3 hours on a different phone it was resolved.
This will be my last phone with straight talk. I have enjoyed your service and hope that the new phone lasts and keeps better records for calls and texts. I have always recommended you but in the future no.
Let them handle straight talk. As soon as I get address will post. I unfortunately had a very negative experience with your service. When i tried to activate the phone on line it would not take the SIM number and I could not use the phone.
This caused major problems for me as this was the only phone I had access to. In addition the man at Wal-Mart would not offer me much help and seemed to want to rush me and wait on other customers. I finally went with a BoostMobile from Target.
The man there spent time helping me and made sure the phone was activated and working before I left the store. I wish that the experience with StraightTalk had been the same but it was not. Not at all happy with the service plan, put a clam in, they asked if my cell phone had damage, I said no.
They told me that I had to call, I called they as if I spoke English said yes, then was my cell phone damage said no, then the line went dead. Seriously never had bad a service. I have an unlimited account with straight talk. I realize they throttle back after so much data usage, but they have just told me thru data usage I will no longer be able to use internet, email, via mobile networks.
I am very disappointed in the service of this company I can never refill my phone and it never lets me talk to an actual person I try and try and I will not waist my time on this no more!
I think Straight talk has the worst customer service ever I dont know how they are still in business. I had to leave because when you call they dont seem to understand what you are asking and my husband is still with them and I am trying to convince him to leave because for the last couple of months its been a nightmare with him swithing phones and them cutting off the service and its been really frustating.
I had a straight talk phone and I bought a new straight talk phone and transferred my phone no. In a snowstorm with elderly invalid veteran. Happy with them just 1gb not enought. Activated phone yesterday with stalk still no signal.
No use calling cs from the complaints that are listed. I have had my straight talk service on auto refill at least one yearChristmas I received a new Samsung phone. I called straight talk, and changed my service over to the new phone.
This has been working fine till feb. Rep said I would have to pay to have my phone reactivated. I am very disappointed. I just had this same thing happen!!!! Customer service if you wanna call it that sucks!!!!!
I am sending this via a public wi fi because I have yet to be able to get the hot spot to work in accessing the internet. This is after 60 days of working with various tech support staff at straight talk, supervisors who admit this do no know anything about the device and keep transferring me.
AND all to no avail. The device has been reset by me three times and twice by your tech support. I was told the last time that a supervisor would talk to me and could authorize a replacement. This has not happened. When they finally do get back to me they say they are not trained in the hot spot.
Phone worked for the use I purchased it for. There is no option on the web or the phone number provided to talk to a live representative. Have been on phone and internet for over 2 hours. I love Straight Talk, I have had it for 2 years and never had a problem with them.
I am purchasing my third phone and will continue to use Straight Talk as my carrier. Have had nothing but headaches with straight talk phones. If you advertise unlimited data you should provide your customers with unlimited data.
All it does is load but never plays anything. Also no youtube just does same thing. I would not recommended it to anyone i know. Having trouble getting voice mail info when following ALL of the instructions from customer service.
Cannot even change password access without the darn thing cutting off……. Website, phone service, and automative all down at the same time!! How long will it be before i can add minutes on my phone?! I tired strait talk for 30 days and everything was fine until the phone auto refilled for another 30 days.
After the auto refile happen I lost my data connection phone still worked but could not get Data or text. So I called support on a Thursday and was hung up on 3 times. I tried the internet chat twice no luck.
So after 3 and half hours I was able to get someone who said wait 24 hours and call back it the phone company. Here it is Sunday I call the Lady rep I talked to said that there no info on my account and the last time I called in was 30 days ago when I activated it.
I asked her to send me another Sim card which a rep recommend before to fix the problem. Guess what happened she hung up on me. Here was I can just about guarantee if you call this organization for help.
Every time you call you get a different answer for your issue 2. They do not listen to you and will make you try the same trouble shooting steps every time you call 4. They will not refund anything if you asked they probably hang up on you.
I can promise that the last time strait talk ever hang up on me. Wow please fix my Damon phone now. It appears that 30 days is only 28 just found out my service is off because it expired 2 days before my 30 days. Will be changing phone service.
It is very disturbing when you contact stright talk customer service representatives and they provide wrong information or misinformation. This has caused me a good deal of wasted time and inconvience. In order to get what I needed I had to ask for a customer service supervisor.
I am very glad the supervisors are able to provide the needed assistance. I would give both the zte majesty phone and customer service Everything about this phone and service stinks of lining someones pocket at the expense of the consumer.
I am frustrated with customer service and the manufacturer of this phone. Tried numerous times to resolve my problem. When you send a message via phone please give the following information: After 3 hours of investigation I found out the above but it was not inconvient and many many remarks conceening the above going back 3 years on internet.
That is NOT a good business practice nor reference for your company. Just numbers tell on one the necessary infoemation. I Bought a straight talk phone a week ago and I was suppose to have unlimited talk, text, data ya right no unlimited data like it said it was.
My phone wont let me get on the interenet wont let me do anything. Its pretty crappy that straight talk is ripping people off. Get alot of people for money we barely got. I am filing on them cuz I want my money back pluz some.
I have had nothing but trouble since joining this plan. Paid for service last Tuesday and now my sisters phone has no service. The worst product, the worst service. I could not rate them lower.
Before we signed up for Straight Talk we knew its customer service had a poor reputation. For each of the last 2 months, despite our being on a continuing service plan, our phone service was cut off on the last service day of the month.
The next morning, it has required a minimum of 3 telephone calls and a total of about 75 minutes to have service restored. I try several times, I can not listen to my voice mail through my phone.
So I need to send your help to do it step by step at my email address. Thanks for your time: I have been with Straight Talk for 8 years and things were good in the beginning but for the last 3 to 4 years, everything about them is terrible.
I have recommended them for years and had strong influence so it will be easy again to influence many others away from this organization. I say organization because I have never spoke to anyone I could verbally understand.
I have been on the phone for 4 hours straight today with them still trying to activate a phone since Sunday. The lie, they are not loyal, and they are extremely rude. When I mentioned the 5 days we have been without service that was already paid for, they said they will not make this right.
I am also angry about the fact that I finally agreed to take part in the survey and not yet received a phone call. This is only the beginning of their troubles for me. I will see that someone is held accountable after this episode.
They have the worst customer service! When i called customer service, i was given a different reason from multiple representatives. One supervisor hung up on me when i questioned the price difference and she could not explain.
All i wanted was a refund of the difference i was overcharged. This poor customer service has definitely encouraged me to look for another provider for both of my phone lines! I had this phone service for a year and thought it was great until I bought a phone online from Straight Talk.
The phone does not work and I was told my money would be refunded to me within 30 days after I send it back. The phone techs argued with me that the phone was working when I told them I could not call out and had no dial tone.
Two days later a rep called me — I asked them to call me back since I was driving and could not talk, the women told me she would call me back in 5 min. I had my phone for about a year and found out it was not able to update its firmware.
I decided to switch to Verizon and had paid for the three month plan and used only three quarters of the first month called customer service and spoke to a rep told her what I was doing and asked if I was able to get a refund for the remaining two months she said yes and asked for the last four digits of the credit card I had used.
I told her it was not transferred yet and I would call back when it was. Well I called back and they told me the rep had given me the wrong information and I was not entitled to the two unused months of time that I paid for.
As far as I am concerned they are a bunch of crooks and liars. Stay away from this company. THe matter never was resolved. They are not nice and have no customer respect. You can not just call their service and get a representative.
You have to push 1 for English, then another number and another number and another number before you go on HOLD. I bet I will never see my refund from Straight talk. It would not be an exaggeration if I said that straight talk has the most horrible customer care I have encountered.
Even if customer care reps are not able to help me, in general I am understanding of their efforts. I have had service for 1 yrs and had to call them 4 times. I had excellent service, when I signed up for new service, everything was smooth and I was so impressed that I recommended this to all my friends.
The follow up calls - onece I was not having very poor network, some lady picked up and was literally cutting me off before I could say my problem and was so lound that I felt she was yelling at me and she was so annoyed that I called them.
Called again for a sim issue after six months, extremely incompetent staff and very rude. Will surely switch to another service soon. I do not think its worth the hassle of talking to them when you need them once in a while for help.
Probaly paying little more is a better idea to be not yelled at by the customer care. The funny part is they say repeatedly - thank you for calling straight talk in a yelling voice!!! The worst customer service ever.
Getting some one is impossible!!!!!! I am told that my phone is activated, however, it still says is deactivated when I try to make a call. I have bought two phones from straight talk the last two months. And now, I paid money from my debt card for minutes…never did get my minutes, I used up the last of old minutes, I can text but no minutes…I paid for minutes I did not get… so what r u going to do about it?
I want to add International service and all I get is a voice mail with endless choices that lead nowhere. My husband and I were in Vancouver, Canada. I called my Mother to see how she was doing.
I was not on the phone for a very long length of time. I figured I would have roaming charges since the phone was roaming but I never knew they would deactivate my number. I went to Wal-Mart to get it straightened out.
It took a good 15 min. When she finally got someone on the line the woman said it would take about 15 min to reactivate my number. I look at the young lady helping me and I told the woman on the phone forget it….
I first purchased my first Straight Talk Phone a Samsung four years ago and I had no problem whatsoever with their service for years. I lost that phone in traffic last Friday and had to buy a new LG Sunrise.
I have 13 days of service remaining and at current I have no Phone service. How can I call them when I have no other phone and I am y myself??? I am turning these reports over to the Michigan Attorney general—I had no idea so many people have been treated so poorly by this company…I am also contacting Walmart for whatever good it will do me….
I have called 4 times and spoke with 6 different support reps and I still have a problem with my phone. The customer service staffs English is as bad as the phone itself. Wish I have never left Verizon.
My voice mail stopped working. The first representative told me I needed to begin by deleting text messages on my iPhone 4s but could not explain how to do it and I had never done it myself. I told here I did not see the connection between text messages and voice mail.
She then hung up on me. I googled it and learned how to delete the text messages. The second representative told me the first representative was wrong and that I did not need to delete my text messages.
She gave me a number that she said was for retrieving my voice mail messages. It gave instructions on how to set up the greeting on voice mail. If you are buying the phone in a store look for the product number on the box under the barcode.
It's usually in the lower left corner on the front of the box. Or look at the SIM itself. Decode them as follows: For NET10 go to www. If it doesn't don't order the phone, as you probably won't get what you want.
Please leave a comment if one of the zipcodes stops working so I can update the post. Be sure to change the zip code back to yours in the address field on the shopping cart page. Regardless of what market a phone was sold for you will get a number local to wherever you activate the phone.
An alternate way to get what you want on Net10 is to enter your own zipcode at the initial prompt and then edit the URL of the page showing the available phone. This trick only works on Net Phones will not activate in an area where their home operator doesn't have coverage.
Very interesting and helpful thanks for the post yeswap You have lots of great info on all of your blogs! I talked to TracFone today about roaming charges which I pointed out I was unable to find on their website, and the rep said that phones with sim card use 1 min per min for roaming, while those without sim cards use 2 mins per min for roaming.
If you want a Verizon phone you must use a "CO" zipcode like or The Tracfone rep you talked to is misinformed or reading from a very old script. There is no extra cost for roaming with any current Tracfone. Several years ago roaming cost extra on some mostly CDMA phones.
Yes as long as there is native Verizon coverage in your local area it will activate see the Verizon coverage map. Once activated it will work almost everywhere on Verizon or Tracfone's roaming partners US Cellular and about a dozen regional carriers.
The Optimus Black uses the Sprint network. Non-Android models ending in "C" use Verizon. The new Proclaim sold out online as of the time of this writing works on Verizon's network.. It's a great phone. Walmart said that the Straight Talk LG 55 Android Smartphone phone works in my area but if it runs off of sprint then it does not.
I want a nice touch straight talk phone that runs off of Verizon any ideas?? It's been discontinued but you might still be able to find one. It's not on the Straight Talk or Walmart Web sites yet but has been spotted in several Walmart stores.
Straight Talk Phone LG c for photos and more information. I have the RC that I activated and can not use it in my current zip code, even though Verizon is available in my area. I use a different zip since straightalk wont sell in my market.
Thought I would try the Verizon network to see if I got better service, but after activating it in the big city and updating it for roaming, I still get nothing. Any ideas, or fixes? Also, any idea on how to get my old phone back?
If there's Verizon native not roaming service in your area the phone should work. Use the Verizon prepaid coverage map to verify that. If Verizon does in fact cover your area try posting a ticket on Straight Talk's Facebook page or calling the "Executive Resolutions Dept.
It's available Monday — Friday from 8: I just received my tracfone lgG. It came with a t mobile sims number. Each SIM is locked to the phone it came with. You have call TracFone. But then you're told which one you're getting when you order the BYOP SIM; to pick one, just say your phone is locked to one or the other when ordering.
Hi, thanks for the helpful info. Will this Att compatible SIM work for my phone? Another way to tell the carrier on most Tracfones is to visit www. If your carrier participates in Wireless Amber Alerts, its logo will appear on the next page; if not you'll get an error message.
The big four carriers all participate, but a few regionals used by Tracfone do not. I confirmed with ST chat rep that it was Sprint, but anyone know why this one shows it works fine in this zip where others did not? I got all excited when it came up..
I check every now and then for my zip with these 3 providers. I know most don't care, but why???? I am switching from a Samsung Blackjack i to LGg. I am petrified I will loose all my contacts. Tell me I don't have to enter them manually!!!!
The LG G can import contacts as vCard files. So you could sync the Blackjack with Outlook and export the cotacts as VCards. Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I no longer have the attachment to snyc the Blackjack and I'm sure it would be expensive to buy one?
Probably too late, but you don't need cables, just transfer contacts via bluetooth. I have a Cingular Blackjack i and did not find the sync cable you refer to on Amazon. Sorry to trouble you but would appreciate some help.
In my previous comment the words "amazon. You will also need the Active Sync software which is on the CD that came with the phone or you can download it from www. Once again thank you for babysitting my issues with the Blackjack i Which do I choose?
I don't use Windows anymore but I think you might be able to right-click the. A better way to transfer your contacts on a sim card is to get a sim card reader. They will come with software or a link to download to your computer.
They are cheap and connect to your computer with a USB connection. It reads your contacts from your old sim card, then put your new sim card in and transfer your contacts. Why wouldn't the phone have access to all the towers?
Thanks in advance for any help. No that won't work. I just want to say a huge Thank You for all of your information! I had a LGG and was on the T-mobile network. Horrid coverage, I would get 5 miles from my house and would have no signal.
After finding your page I put a call into tracfone and requested a new sim card, I had to move up the food chain 3 times before I was granted my request. They actually sent me a new phone LGC, so now I am on verizon. Which I know covers all of my area.
Again, Thank you so very much!!!! Live outside Orlando 30 miles - kind of rural. Outside bars are, in - many dropped calls last month os so. I Hate to call Tracfone - using minutes and expected hassle - but I would love to switch to Verizon network, which is strong here - any have tips re this.
Try calling Tracfone's Miami number Mon—Fri, 8: Tracfone seems pretty willing to send free replacement Verizon phones to customers with service issues. Or buy one of the Tracfone models that runs on Verizon.
You can transfer your number and minutes to it online or by calling Tracfone. Yeswap, My cell phone is a Samsung Alltel. The past week it has stopped allowing me to touch the screen to get to menu or contacts or anything.
This started a couple of months ago when I would text and the letters typed would be the letters above or below the letter I wanted to use. Then the space button would not work at all so I started using the 'period' as the space button.
My children must think I'm a moran. Is this touchscreen "Samsung Altel" a Tracfone? What model is that? It sounds like the screen digitizer is going bad. If your phone has a "calibrate screen" menu option not common, re-calibrating the screen might help.
Otherwise you need to replace the phone. If the phone is less than a year old, Tracfone will replace it under under warranty. Really insightful info and so well explained even a computer novice like me can follow.
I think the Samsung TG looks like a good idea, but thanks to your helpful site I would like to move to Verizon and the Samsung RC would accomplish this. The Samsungs both seem identical to me any thoughts? I did hear you cant make a long text, you have to send it one small bit at a time?
And that word prediction isn't an option on the RC? Thanks for all your information: When you change Tracfones your balance and expiration date is supposed to transfer over. It doesn't always work right so it's best to call the Miami number M—F, 8: I don't know which, if either, supports texts longer than characters or auto correct.
I tried the above phone number today and your right it's best to call this number. A live person spoke with me and was very helpful. Before I used this number I dialed two different numbers and received recordings.
Thank you for posting this information. I actually just entered both or codes on the Tracfone site and the phone choices are very poor, none of which are the Samsung phones. It looks like the RC is out of stock on Tracfone.
Thank you so much. Looked on your map and Verizon covers the entire area. I think I'll go that direction our Target didn't have much selection today. Thanks for all your help!!! Probably too late now, but you can transfer contacts via bluetooth into the lgc or lgg no problem, no need for cables or card readers.
Assuming the blackberry has bluetooth They will not work in Jordan. Could you Please suggest to me which types of selphones that can work in Jordan? Is there another APP that I can get that will let me view Streaming video of other formats requiring a flash player?
The Skyfire Browser can play Flash videos on any Android phone. I like the LGc much better for texting. I haven't been on the road to test my commute route yet, but I'm concerned the goal of having coverage on the road may be overridden by poor coverage in Boise?
So far the Verizon network has been fine in Boise but the lack of signal strength concerns me. I wouldn't make much of the number of bars. Different phones report the same signal strength differently. All that really matters is whether you can make and receive calls and texts where you use the phone.
Too bad Tracfone doesn't offer the kind of service and help that you do. You should get a commission for all the useful help you provide. I actually spoke to India, Malaysia, Singapore? I had heard rumor this was all possible, but until I found your site even Tracfone denied being able to do this.
Our local walmart says they will soon have a straight talk smart phone that runs off verizon is this true? We live in the mountains of NC and verizon works very well but nothing else comes close.
The phone is the Samsung Proclaim and it's already available on the Straight Talk website. Sir, Thinking of getting the Samsung Proclaim. I currently have a verizon number out of Florida, but am living in Illinois.
Do you know if I will be able to switch the number to ST? Also, will I honestly be able to use this phone anywhere when traveling? This will be my first "smartphone" and travel often by car and I need a phone that will at least be working to make calls anywhere.
No cell phone works everywhere. The Proclaim will work everywhere Verizon has native coverage. You can check coverage using the Verizon prepaid map. The Proclaim will work in the purple areas on the map but not in the gray prepaid roaming areas.
A Verizon phone would work in both purple and gray areas. When I downloaded it all it would do is route me back to Adobe Flash to down load. I tried several times different ways and never was able to get it to play video that ask for Adobe Flash.
You need to click the video icon in the Skyfire toolbar at the bottom the screen to watch the video. Skyfire supports most Flash videos. For more information see Skyfire Support. I have a LGg All I have to do is call straight talk and give them another zip code?
Generally all you have to do is tell them that you have poor or no reception at home or work and that Verizon or T-Mobile works great at your location. I tried using the icon you mentioned and it just took me to the Adobe Flash Player 11 which does not work on this phone.
I tried all the icons I could find and either they did not do anything or took me to Adobe Flash. Did not even try to open any videos. I've used Skyfire in the past and it does work. I don't use it currently because my latest phone runs the native Flash player plus most of the mobile sites I visit serve non-Flash videos.
If you are clicking the video icon that pops up in the bottom toolbar when Skyfire detects a video, and it takes you to the Adobe Flash player download site something is broken. I suggest you report the problem on the Skyfire Support Site.
Waoh u really provide great info. Actually answered most of My questions. I recently moved to ohio and have very poor service. I have a net 10 optomus lg. I still have not called net 10 to change my service area or zip code.
Could that have something to do with my poor service? Thank u for ur time and effort. You don't need to tell Net10 when you move and there's no advantage to doing so unless you want a number local to your new location.
It sounds like Sprint has poor coverage in your area. The Optimus phones don't use SIM cards and can't be switched to another network. The only solution is to switch to a different phone that uses a network that has good coverage in your area.
How does it compare to the Samsung Galaxy Proclaim? I know they are both Verizon.. The Proclaim has a faster processor and a bigger screen and is thinner and lighter. Camera and build quality are about equal.
The're both good phones. I've always owned an old school flip phone my current one is going on 5 years old! Do you have an opinion as to which type of phone smart vs. I don't tend to upgrade often, if at all, and wondering if its worth taking a chance on or not.
Thank you very much for your time! Also, I checked out Straight Talks coverage area for Android vs. Is there a reason why the Android one is so spotty? Is it like that because there are currently only two Androids available through Verizon towers?
Or are the Androids just really bad at getting reception in general? Thank you again for your help! Straight Talk's first Android phones use the Sprint Network. The "Android" map shows the Sprint coverage. In my experience smartphones last as long as feature phones most of my phones, both smart and dumb still work after several years, but their batteries don't.
Smartphones typically require daily charging and their batteries tend to have lose considerable capacity after only two years. My lgg from Tracfone will not stay connected to Bluetooth hands free calling built into my car.
It connects and then disconnects about every 30 secs. I have paired it numerous times, with device visibility hidden and visible for 3 min. Auto lock is set to "never" Any help would be appreciated. Incompatibility between hands free systems and specific phones seems to be a pretty common problem.
If possible try moving the phone to a different location in the car. If that doesn't Help, try contacting the car manufacturer or dealer to see if there's a fix available. If you think it's the phone see if Tracfone will exchange it.
I just need the basic phone that we can us when camping. Our area code is but camp in Will verizon work in these areas and what type of phone do you suggest. We are both retired and just need the basic phone.
Thank you and great forum. The best way to find out if there's coverage in a given area is to test it yourself or ask locals what works for them. Next best is the Verizon coverage map which shows solid coverage in both and Based on the specs at https: What are the downsides?
I've seen several reports of that phone working without issues on Straight Talk and Net Tracfone and Net10 phones can not be used on Straight Talk. I was thinking of buying and tranfering it to straight talk. I thought it would work because my straight talk samsung phone displays a tracfone page when it's turned on.
However America Movil won't let you use phones sold for one of their bands on another brand. You could port your Straight Talk number to Net 10 and use the Merit. With Net10 you can buy refills tax free at CallingMart.
You can use the credits on your next purchase. Does Tracfone still sell phones on the Verizon network? I've tried entering the zipcodes you suggested and the market always comes back as GSM4 and the phones end with a G.
A couple that still work are, I don't think I'll be able to restrict myself to that plan, though. Can I switch this phone an remaining minutes to the Net plan? Will they accept this phone? I love Verizon's abilty to give service almost anywhere.
No you can't transfer your minutes or phone from Verizon to Net You can transfer your phone number but that's all. My phone does not work at all and I later discovered that Sprint doesn't cover my area.
AND transfer the service plan that I purchased? If you return the phone first you plan will be immediately cancelled and you will likely use your number too. It worked great for a week but after that, it kept loosing connection to the 3G signal.
When I got a Straight Talk representative on the phone, it was like talking to a wall - maybe because she has limited English comprehension skills? I'm pretty sure it's a call center in India.
Anyway, she was no help. I will have to return it soon since I will reach my day trial period, but do you think it's the phone or is it that it just won't work on Verizon? I currently have a Verizon phone and it works just fine but I wanted to switch to a more affordable plan.
Appreciate your opinion as you sound very knowledgeable about this. That sounds like a bad phone. I'd exchange or return it. For better Straight Talk customer support call the "Executive Resolutions" number at, Monday — Friday from 8: Hi, I wanted to add that the Proclaim phone has signal bars, and I even have wireless signal switched on.
Again, the 3G Mobile Network connection keeps on switching off so whenever I want to check email or internet, it says it is not connected. I have to reload it and it takes awhile and sometimes, that doesn't work either.
MY question is about adding minutes from a Tracfone Card. I usually buy 60 min. I goes through fast that way. However, I have no signal for my new Samsung g here at my house recently bought, so I was wondering if I buy a card to add mins to it, and use the computer online service to add mins Thanks alot for the help.
I've never tried adding minutes to phone that has no service. The minutes are stored on the phone so it might work. Adding the minutes online should definitively work. When the phone moves into GSM service area it should "call home" and update the Prepaid Apps "minutes tank".
I read about someone looking for CDMA phone zipcodes to use to activate their phones. I am in one myself here in Alabama Both should work for CDMA. Hope that helps someone. Can you tell me how to update a GSM phone to towers.
Which towers you are to allowed connect to and which ones are roaming is handled at the network level rather than by the phone. I am really confused. I just bought this LG c tracfone and want to activate it.
I charged it up, and the date and time are exactly right already. Also, it shows a signal of 1 bar. Can I obtain a signal without actually activating it first? How is the time and date set correct already? I'm going to try and activate it on Tracfone's online service hopefully successful.
An inactive phone can show a signal and retrieve the current date from the network. However, you won't be able to make or receive calls except to and texts until the phone is activated. I really like this LG c I just activated and transfered my mins.
The only thing I am not sure of, is the battery on the screen. It shows multi colors, and I was wondering how to judge when the battery needs charging? So far they haven't, and it is doing a great job here in rural Alabama, and also city areas.
The manual that comes with it tells me nothing about those icons up there? What do you think, especially about the battery icon? As the battery discharges the number of bars shown in the battery icon will decrease.
I am very interested in the samsung g since I need the keyboard to text. Using your guide, it tells me that this phone uses ATT. Thank you very much in advance. By the way, Im on cricket right now.
I went around my area. Good coverage outside but the signal bars drop drastically when I enter a building. Another question to ask. Is it ok to buy a reconditioned samsung g or should I go with the brand new one?
The Tracfone's refurbs are usually good as new. I'd buy the reconditioned one. Thank you very much!!!! Just used the zipcode and the same samsung phone came up. Should I continue to order with this zip and change the mailing zip at the end or do I go back to my original zip and buy it off that webpage.
I just noticed something. If you click on the reconditioned phone, under the single rate it says: Call nationally, internationally or roam at local call rates Enjoy 90 days of uninterrupted wireless service 60 anytime anywhere minutes But on the brand new one, it only says: Call nationally, internationally or roam at local call rates.
I'm afraid that the reconditioned only limits you to 90 day increments. By the way, really thanks for helping out. Continue with the order you started with zip and change to the correct zip code on the shipping address page only.
Any Tracfone top up card including the one year ones can be used with any Tracfone. Yeswap, thank you very very much. I appreciate your wonderful article and your quick responses. I"ll be sure to send people here when they ask about tracfone.
In looking at the two phones side by side, the RC has bars, and the LGC usually has bars in my home. I prefer the LGC because I had a smartphone in the past and loved the touch screen, but am a little concerned about purchasing it because it seems to have less bars.
Is it because of the touch screen? Would it have the same reception or less since it's showing less bars. My Samsung Gravity, which I'm switching from, always only had a max total of four bars. Would appreciate any help you can give.
Different phones display a different number of bars for the same level of reception. You can't compare reception between two different makes and models of phones based on the number of bars.
I haven't heard any complaints about the reception of either phone. Thanks for your quick input. The other reason I liked the LG better is because the alphabet and numbers on the pull out keyboard seem to be placed similar to a regular keyboard as opposed to those on the Rthe numbers are placed in a different spot on the keyboard which slows me down.
Unlocking Tracfone's to use on a different service is generally considered to be almost impossible and not worth the trouble. I've got a new Google Nexus with the Net10 activation kit. The phone activated with no problem.
The data plan is set up but it's really slow. It takes about 2 or 3 minutes to load a page. Do you know of some settings that I may have missed that would cause this? Sometimes there is an E or H in the top left of the screen but the data speed doesn't change.
If that's not the problem try turning airplane mode on for a minute or two and then turning it off and retesting page loading. If it's still slow, something may be miss-configured on the Net10 side. Call Net10 at This phone is really nice on the Net10 network.
Great signal and really fast data. I'm on wi-fi mostly but it's nice to have when you need it. Thank you so much! I have a trac phone loaded with more minutes than I can use. I am considering getting an iPhone 4.
Do you know if Incan transfer my minutes to an iPhone? No you can only transfer minutes to another Tracfone and yiu can't put an iPhone on Tracfone. The best thing you can do is to donate the excess funds to charity using SMS.
However, it could be roaming, check for a triangle roaming indicator in the top status bar. To determine what network you are roaming on, try dialing and see whose customer support answers. This may not work in all cases as some roaming partners forward calls to the SIM's home operator.
I am leaning toward the Precedent because of the screen size useful for streaming vids on the unlimited data plan. This is an Android phone, so Sprint will the the home network, correct? The Sprint coverage map shows very little coverage for my area and mostly "off network roaming".
As stated in the article, prepaids on the Sprint network don't roam. Does this mean that the Precedent will only have coverage in the dark green coverage areas and not in the lighter green "off network roaming"? If so, traveling even miles would put me out of coverage.
The Precedent does use Sprint and there is no roaming so yes you would only have coverage in the Sprint native coverage dark green areas.
06.05.2017 - I call and am told sorry this is not 24 hour service. Note to self, speaking words in English produces weird waterproof when your phone is set for Spanish. We sent an email asking if an Case will work with the service and still awaiting a response. Ryan O September 27, at 1: Most companies have "offshore" service centers, where "furriners" read Plus a script I recently had Iphone issue with eBay. For comes out to about 4.
26.02.2017 - I'm pretty sure it's a call center in India. I asked for a Supervisor. Straight talk service and customer service has been an awful experience. My phone wont let me get on the interenet wont let me do anything. Your company needs to understand what K. This is the worst company I have ever dealt with.
16.09.2017 - This has been the worst service for Plus last 6 months that i have ever had, looking for a refund on my For payment, I have a new phone co. That will let you progress without registering an account. Thanks Case for the help. You Iphone get a waterproof for all the useful help you provide. Burning through my Tracfone minutes on hold for hours.
18.03.2017 - I think they need to have an option to talk to customer service after everything with That phone I am going to iphone to go to another company. I dont Watches how to fix this problem. Logging in there with a computer makes it easy to add contacts to your phone book, check your minutes, find out about additional Work, and even add Smart to your plan. I am not at all happy with your company. Yeswap July 17, at 9: I had my phone service turned off twice accidentally after asking to use a prior number with my existing service.
02.02.2017 - Anonymous October 4, iphone 3: I thought it would work because my Case talk samsung phone displays a tracfone page when For turned on. I don't know if the service is great, but I can debunk the responsiveness complaints. Waterproof could not resolve and could care less if they did. Of I am paying for "Unlimited", Plus what I expect.
01.05.2017 - Since i couldnt verify this nonexistant phone, i was told to file a dispute with my bank. Anonymous May 7, at 5: Called back again and after great effort reached a human. A zte solar which has horrible reviews. I finally went with a BoostMobile from Target. All companies suffer from the declaration:
19.10.2010 : 16:41 Shaktijas:
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